Evaluation team needed for the Mid-Term Review of the Just Future programme
Cordaid leads the “Just Future” programme, which is one of the Strategic Partnerships financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) under the policy framework “Power of Voices”. The Just Future Alliance consists of 6 international consortium partners, a network partner, 35 national CSOs and 3 research partners. The Just Future programme started implementation in 2021 and will end on the 31st of December 2025. Within the Ministry, the programme falls under the Directorate for Stability and Humanitarian Aid (DSH).
Through the MTR the Just Future programme wants to learn from achieved results and analyse how we can improve our approaches and interventions. Details for the assignment are described in the Terms of Reference.
Just Future
The programme aims, through capacity strengthening (CS) of partners and through lobby and advocacy (L&A), to influence policies and practices of decision-makers as described in our Theory of Change. CSOs are strengthened to advocate with and for vulnerable groups in six countries: Afghanistan, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Niger and South Sudan.
The programme covers three thematic areas in these countries:
- People-centred security (outcome 1)
- Access to Justice (outcome 2)
- Inclusive political decision-making and peace processes (outcome 3)
Lobby and advocacy in the programme countries is supported by international advocacy on the above topics.
We are looking for a team of independent consultants consisting of a lead evaluator and two French speaking consultant operating francophone Africa.
Interested parties are invited to apply by sending CVs (no more than 3 pages), an evaluation proposal, and 2 references. An example of a previous evaluation assignment is appreciated.
The evaluation proposal should include:
- A summary of the consultants’ relevant skills and experience.
- Task division between consultants specifying one consultant as main responsible evaluator.
- A summary of the proposed technical process and methodology based on the Terms of Reference.
- A financial proposal, with total cost, including tax, and a breakdown showing the budget for professional fees and reimbursable expenses.
For more information (TOR): or
How to apply
Please send your application to: and with "MTR proposal" as the subject title.
Application Deadline: 14 March 2023